Monday, April 15, 2013

Tree Meditation


In the cradle of a tree,
I sit.

One blossom at a time,
I breathe.

Barking dog,
Cardinal song.

All things are possible.
All things connect.
All creation begins,
Here now,
and there then.

~Julee V.


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Spring Bends

Spring Bends where Winter Breaks.

Brittle and crooked you laid in wait.

For this return to color,

to lush, rounded shapes.

On hard edges and floors

Your shutters closed.

You wait no more.

Winter freeze and summer breeze

You wait no more.

Puppies prance and children play

You wait no more.

Its the Way of Nature,

And the Nature of Change.

All that it breaks,

Shaping All,

It Creates.

And you wait no more.

~JV April, 2013

For Joan Scoldy, RIP.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Winter Solace

This is Winter.

Secret and Indulgent.
Its Icy and Bare.
Blinding spots and Bright Azure
 Silent talks en solitaire.

Warm and Golden
Glows Sundown
Tucked in
Tucked in
Tucked in now.

Surrounded by the distant hum
of people and their pace
Haunting songs of nights long past
Laughing wine and warm embrace.

Nestled in this cabin watch,
Perched among the city lights,
 I resign to take my place.
A lonely outpost in the night.

An object in motion stays in motion.
But always it competes
With a body that resists it
in motionless retreat.

Night turns to night turns 
to dawn and digging out.
Figurative and Literal
Digging Out, Digging Out.
 Emotional and Physical
Always the digging, digging out.

Alive though Still
 In this white expanse,
There is room for things to grow.
Seeking Solace in the Clearing
Space for Spring's Eternal Hope.

This is Winter.

By Julee V.